Months / Hónapok

You will learn the names of days, months and seasons in this lesson. Also, there are basic examples here to show you how to put them into sentences. You can listen the pronounciation with sound files if you click on the name of a link. Unfortunately it will take some minutes until you hear it, since the .wav file needs to be downloaded to your computer first. But then you can save it for future reference. Please note, that I don't provide full vocabulary for my lessons - remember I gave you links to on-line dictionaries, or please use your own dictionary.
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január January július July
február February augusztus August
március March szeptember September
áprilisApril október October
májusMay november November
júniusJune december December

Days / Hét napjai

hétfő Monday

In sentences the names of months receive the ending -ban -ben . Please, take a review on the vowel harmony as always if you have to use endings.
januárban, februárban, ..., júniusban,..szeptemberben,..decemberben

For future tense you might use present or future tense of the verbs. To make it easier in the beginning, we use present tense now. The content of the sentence will put the meaning to the future. For simplicity case I use a few examples only with past tense now.
Januárban autót veszek.
I will buy a car in January.
Májusban van a névnapom.
I will have my nameday in May.
Februárban nem volt hó.
There was no snow in February.
Decemberben meglátogatjuk a nagyszüleimet.
We will visit my grandparents in December.

The name of the days receive -n ending in sentences, some uses extra vowel with vowel harmony: hétfőn, kedden, szerdán, csütörtökön, pénteken, szombaton, vasárnap
Note, vasárnap receives no ending.

Sample sentences:

Szerdán levelet irok.
I will write a letter on Wednesday.
Pénteken moziba megyek.
I will go to the movies on Friday.

tavasz, nyár, ősz, tél.
spring, summer, fall, winter
Answering question When?, these will become:
tavasszal, nyáron, osszel, télen.

Part of the day (napszakok)

reggel, délelőtt, dél, délután, este, éjjel
early morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night
They receive no ending in sentences (good news, hmm?)- the only exception is délben

Other phrases:

holnap -- holnapután
tomorrow-- day after tomorrow
ma--tegnap -- tegnapelőtt
today, yesterday, day before yesterday
múlt héten, jövő héten
last week, next week
tavaly -- jövőre
last year--next year

Example sentences:

Tegnap esett az eső.
It was raining yesterday.
Jövő héten nem dolgozom.
I will not work next week.
Télen hideg van.
It is (usually ) cold in winter.
Nyáron férjhez megyek.
I will get married in the summer.


Mikor utazunk Pestre?
Elmegyünk a Városligetbe is?
Igen, de előbb meglátogatjuk Editet.

When will we go to Pest?
In April.
Will we go to Városliget, too?
Yes, but first we will visit Edit.

Mikor érettségizel?
When will you graduate?
In June.
